WAITFOR is part of the Transact-SQL and it's Microsoft SQL server specific, not supported by Spark SQL.  If you want to impose a delay in a Spark program, you may want to use the thread sleep function in Java or Scala.  Hope this helps...

On 5/19/22 1:45 PM, K. N. Ramachandran wrote:
Hi Sean,

I'm trying to test a timeout feature in a tool that uses Spark SQL. Basically, if a long-running query exceeds a configured threshold, then the query should be canceled. I couldn't see a simple way to make a "sleep" SQL statement to test the timeout. Instead, I just ran a "select count(*) from table" on a large table to act as a query with a long duration.

Is there any way to trigger a "sleep" like behavior in Spark SQL?


On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 4:23 PM Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I don't think that is standard SQL? what are you trying to do, and
    why not do it outside SQL?

    On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 6:03 PM K. N. Ramachandran
    <knra...@gmail.com> wrote:

        Gentle ping. Any info here would be great.


        On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 5:16 PM K. N. Ramachandran
        <knra...@gmail.com> wrote:

            Hello Spark Users Group,

            I've just recently started working on tools that use
            Apache Spark.
            When I try WAITFOR in the spark-sql command line, I just get:

            Error: Error running query:

            mismatched input 'WAITFOR' expecting (.. list of allowed

            1) Why is WAITFOR not allowed? Is there another way to get
            a process to sleep for a desired period of time? I'm
            trying to test a timeout issue and need to simulate a
            sleep behavior.

            2) Is there documentation that outlines why WAITFOR is not
            supported? I did not find any good matches searching online.


-- K.N.Ramachandran
        Ph: 814-441-4279

Ph: 814-441-4279

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