Hi Community,

I need some suggestions  on using 3 node Mariadb *Galera Cluster or percona
xtradb* for Cloudstack Databases.

In My setup the Databases are behind a LB and write happens only to a
single node

With new Cloudstack 4.18.1 install  initial database migration is always
failing because of schema update/sync issues with other DB nodes.

Logs in Mysql err::
2024-02-23T12:55:15.521278Z 17 [ERROR] [MY-010584] [Repl] Replica SQL:
Error 'Duplicate column name 'display'' on query. Default
 database: 'cloud'. Query: 'ALTER TABLE cloud.guest_os ADD COLUMN display
tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'should this guest_os b
e shown to the end user'', Error_code: MY-001060

Due to this Cloudstack initialisation is always failing.

Can someone point me with a suggested method for DB HA


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