
On 31/05/2022 15:16, Andreas Hasenack wrote:

corosync 3.1.6
pacemaker 2.1.2
crmsh 4.3.1

I only seem to get a "name" attribute in the "corosync-cmapctl | grep
nodelist" output if I set an explicit name in corosync.conf's
nodelist. If I rely on the default of "name will be uname -n if it's
not set", I get nothing.

wondering where is problem? name is not set so it's not in cmap, what is (mostly) 1:1 mapping of config file. So this is expected, not a bug.

I formed a test cluster of 3 nodes, and I'm not setting the name
attribute in the nodelist, so that it defaults to `uname -n`:
nodelist {
     node {
          nodeid: 1
         ring0_addr: k1
     node {
         nodeid: 2
         ring0_addr: k2
     node {
         nodeid: 3
         ring0_addr: k3

The addresses "k1", "k2" and "k3" are fully resolvable (I know IPs are
better, but for this quick test it was simpler to use the hostnames).

crm status is happy:
root@k1:~# crm status
Cluster Summary:
   * Stack: corosync
   * Current DC: k3 (version 2.1.2-ada5c3b36e2) - partition with quorum
   * Last updated: Tue May 31 12:53:02 2022
   * Last change:  Tue May 31 12:51:55 2022 by hacluster via crmd on k3
   * 3 nodes configured
   * 0 resource instances configured

Node List:
   * Online: [ k1 k2 k3 ]

Full List of Resources:
   * No resources

But there is no node name in the corosync-cmapctl output:

root@k1:~# corosync-cmapctl |grep nodelist
nodelist.local_node_pos (u32) = 0
nodelist.node.0.nodeid (u32) = 1
nodelist.node.0.ring0_addr (str) = k1
nodelist.node.1.nodeid (u32) = 2
nodelist.node.1.ring0_addr (str) = k2
nodelist.node.2.nodeid (u32) = 3
nodelist.node.2.ring0_addr (str) = k3

I was expecting to have entries like "nodelist.node.0.name = k1" in
that output. Apparently I only get that if I explicitly set a node
name in nodelist.

For example, if I set the name of nodeid 1 to "explicit1":
     node {
         name: explicit1
         nodeid: 1
         ring0_addr: k1

Then I get the name attribute for that nodeid only:
# corosync-cmapctl |grep nodelist
nodelist.local_node_pos (u32) = 0
nodelist.node.0.name (str) = explicit1
nodelist.node.0.nodeid (u32) = 1
nodelist.node.0.ring0_addr (str) = k1
nodelist.node.1.nodeid (u32) = 2
nodelist.node.1.ring0_addr (str) = k2
nodelist.node.2.nodeid (u32) = 3
nodelist.node.2.ring0_addr (str) = k3

Why not also use "uname -n" when "name" is not explicitly set in the
corosync nodelist config?

Can you please share use case for this behavior? It shouldn't be be hard to implement.


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