On 31/05/2022 16:28, Andreas Hasenack wrote:

On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 1:35 PM Jan Friesse <jfrie...@redhat.com> wrote:


On 31/05/2022 15:16, Andreas Hasenack wrote:

corosync 3.1.6
pacemaker 2.1.2
crmsh 4.3.1

I only seem to get a "name" attribute in the "corosync-cmapctl | grep
nodelist" output if I set an explicit name in corosync.conf's
nodelist. If I rely on the default of "name will be uname -n if it's
not set", I get nothing.

wondering where is problem? name is not set so it's not in cmap, what is
(mostly) 1:1 mapping of config file. So this is expected, not a bug.

It was surprising to me, because the node clearly has a name (crm_node -n).

Why not also use "uname -n" when "name" is not explicitly set in the
corosync nodelist config?

Can you please share use case for this behavior? It shouldn't be be hard
to implement.

The use case is a test script[1], which installs the package, starts
the services, and then runs some quick checks. One of the tests is to
check for the node name in "crm status" output, and for that it needs
to discover the node name.

got it

Sure, plenty of ways to achieve that. Set it in the config to a known
name, or run "crm_node -n", or something else. The script is doing:
POS="$(corosync-cmapctl -q -g nodelist.local_node_pos)"
NODE="$(corosync-cmapctl -q -g nodelist.node.$POS.name)"

Ok, so you need only local node name - then why not to add
[ "$NODE" == " ] && NODE=`uname -n`

No matter what, implementing resolving of just local node name would be really easy - implementing it clusterwise would be super hard (on corosync level). On the other hand, I'm really not that keen to have filled just local node name + it creates bunch of other problems (default value during reload, ...).

and I was surprised that there was no "name" entry. In this cluster
stack, depending on which layer you ask,  you may get different
answers :)

Yup, agree. Sometimes it's confusing :( But the test is really about `crm` so pacemaker level...


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