On 23/01/2023 10:38, S Sathish S wrote:
Hi Jan/Team,

Yes , In syslog we noticed "crypto: none" during startup of corosync service.

Ok, so then communication is unencrypted.

In Corosync communication which protocols/ports transfer sensitive data which 
need to be secured ?

Corosync implements its own protocol and for udpu it is using port 5405 by default.

Or It will have only binary protocol like 5405 port for all corosync 


Basically if you dump UDP traffic port 5405 you should see messages sent via cpg.

For example I've tried:
tcpdump -i eth1  -nN -nn udp

and send "This is nice test" using testcpg (which is using CPG group called GROUP) and entry

"16:12:22.534234 IP > UDP, length 321 E..]D?@.@.....?#..?$._...I."......"..............?#..................................)...(...........?#............o.............................a........................GROUP........................................................................................................................................................U..This is nice test"

was logged.


Thanks and Regards,
S Sathish S
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Friesse <jfrie...@redhat.com>
Sent: 23 January 2023 14:50
To: Cluster Labs - All topics related to open-source clustering welcomed 
Cc: S Sathish S <s.s.sath...@ericsson.com>
Subject: Re: [ClusterLabs] corosync 2.4.4 version provide secure the 
communication by default


On 23/01/2023 01:37, S Sathish S via Users wrote:
Hi Team,

corosync 2.4.4 version provide mechanism to secure the communication path 
between nodes of a cluster by default? bcoz in our configuration secauth is 
turned off but still communication occur is encrypted.

Note : Capture tcpdump for port 5405 and I can see that the data is already 
garbled and not in the clear.

It's binary protocol so don't expect some really readable format (like 
xml/json/...). But with your config it should be unencrypted. You can check message 
"notice  [TOTEM ] Initializing transmit/receive security
(NSS) crypto: none hash: none" during start of corosync.


[root@node1 ~]# cat /etc/corosync/corosync.conf totem {
      version: 2
      cluster_name: OCC
     secauth: off
      transport: udpu

nodelist {
      node {
          ring0_addr: node1
          nodeid: 1

      node {
          ring0_addr: node2
          nodeid: 2

      node {
          ring0_addr: node3
          nodeid: 3

quorum {
      provider: corosync_votequorum

logging {
      to_logfile: yes
      logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
      to_syslog: no
      timestamp: on

Thanks and Regards,
S Sathish S

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