Hi guys,

I just noticed this strange behavior today..

When I do an internal redirect to a trivially simple pipeline that just does a map:read to read an HTML document, then the actual HTML code for that doc is shown in my browser. Here's an example sitemap snippet:

<map:match pattern="doSomething">
 <!-- Do some things -->
 <map:redirect-to uri="cocoon:/readStaticHtmlDoc"/>

<map:match pattern="readStaticHtmlDoc">
 <map:read src="myapp/html_files/someFile.htm"/>

Note that invoking "readStaticHtmlDoc" works just fine. Can anybody explain this?

I upgraded to Cocoon 2.1.1-dev yesterday, and I'm on Tomcat 4.1.17 with JDK 1.4.2_01. I think it has to be a Cocoon-related thing though, whether my fault or a bug. It's probably my fault somehow, but it's never happened before.



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