beyaRecords wrote:
I was just wondering if there are any cocoon heads out there who have access to an I.E browser on an windows platform that can tell me whether my site is visible when accessed from the browser?

Yes, I can see your site properly on my winxp with IE6 as well as on firefox!

If you view source in the browser, you will see that I have placed an external tag (test) around the html tag, and this tag picks up some xml info:

<test xmlns:cinclude="";>

If I don't place the tag around the html tag I get:

<html xmlns:cinclude="";>

When this happens none of the javascript will work in any browser on MAC OS X, but if I leave the tag in then nothing appears in an IE browser.

All xsl pages are being transformed as xsltc and the serialize type is xhtml.

What to do?

Well if you experience problems with namespaces popping up in your xhtml you can always remove all of them by extending the XMLSerializer:

public class XMLSerializer extends org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer

    public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException
        // do nothing

    public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
            throws SAXException
        // do nothing

This way no xmlns:cinclude=""; will bother 
your html page.

(I did the same to avoid pages with unreadable xml, containing dozens of xmlns 
on various elements)

Kind Regards,



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