Dear Ammar,

Kindlk check the kannel documentation for *store-type*.

Tapan Thapa

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Ammar Ali <> wrote:

> Hello Tapan,
> Thanks your reply is very helpful.
> Can you give me info about kannel spool/queue?
> *Thanks*
> *Ammar Ali*
> *Pune (M.H.)*
> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 4:50 PM, Tapan Kumar Thapa <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Ammar,
>> After setting up sms-resend-retry = 1, you should not face spool/queue
>> issue. If still facing than may be some senior dev can answer on this.
>> BR
>> Tapan Thapa
>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Ammar Ali <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Tapan,
>>> I have update my configuration and restart kannel. Currently its working
>>> fine.
>>> But I'm facing this problem when smsc connection are re-connecting.
>>> Some SMS stored for an unlimited amount of time in the Kannel spool. 
>>> Besides of this,
>>> they would have been sent on a reconnect of the SMSC (that could happen 
>>> several days after the submit,
>>> sometimes voiding the purpose of the sms itself).
>>> Can you describe above lines. What is Kannel Spool and which type of sms
>>> are stored in this. But I had not used this in kannel configuration. Is
>>> this default storage for sms?
>>> Please suggest me what to do.
>>> *Thanks *
>>> *Ammar Ali*
>>> *Pune (M.H.)*
>>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Tapan Kumar Thapa <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> By the way, kannel restart is required after changing this value.
>>>> BR
>>>> Tapan Thapa
>>>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Tapan Kumar Thapa <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> make this entry to sms-resend-retry = 1 and let us know the result.
>>>>> BR
>>>>> Tapan Thapa
>>>>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Ammar Ali <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Tapan,
>>>>>> First of all thanks for your reply.
>>>>>> Before I month my setup was:
>>>>>> [group=core]
>>>>>> sms-resend-freq = 60
>>>>>> sms-resend-retry = -1
>>>>>> [group=smsc]
>>>>>> wait-ack = 60
>>>>>> wait-ack-expire = 0x01
>>>>>> But some days ago I have updated this setup with below values:
>>>>>> [group=core]
>>>>>> #sms-resend-freq = 120
>>>>>> #sms-resend-retry = 5
>>>>>> [group=smsc]
>>>>>> wait-ack-expire = 0x02
>>>>>> I have noticed that this problem is occured when queue on smsc
>>>>>> connection.
>>>>>> 7698s, rcvd: sms 0 (0.00,0.00,0.00) / dlr 2092 (0.59,0.47,0.03), sent: 
>>>>>> sms
>>>>>> 1055 (1.01,0.30,0.02) / dlr 0 (0.00,0.00,0.00), failed 0, *queued 0
>>>>>> msgs*)
>>>>>> So please suggest me what to do.
>>>>>> *Thanks*
>>>>>> *Ammar Ali*
>>>>>> *Pune (M.H.)*
>>>>>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Tapan Kumar Thapa <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Amar,
>>>>>>> In the morning, i suggested to try below. Have you tried this?
>>>>>>> [group=core]
>>>>>>> sms-resend-freq = 60 #(default)
>>>>>>> sms-resend-retry = 1 # Send sms only once. No retry
>>>>>>> [group=smsc]
>>>>>>> wait-ack = 60 #(default)
>>>>>>> wait-ack-expire = 0x01 #(default)
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Tapan Thapa
>>>>>>> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Ammar Ali <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Team,
>>>>>>>> I am sending sms through http application using kannel.
>>>>>>>> But I'm getting multiple messages on particular number.
>>>>>>>> This is my setup:
>>>>>>>> *bearerbox.conf*
>>>>>>>> group = core
>>>>>>>> admin-port = "13000"
>>>>>>>> admin-port-ssl="no"
>>>>>>>> admin-password = "xxxx"
>>>>>>>> status-password = "xxxx"
>>>>>>>> admin-deny-ip="*.*.*.*"
>>>>>>>> admin-allow-ip="*.*.*.*"
>>>>>>>> smsbox-interface =""
>>>>>>>> smsbox-port = "13001"
>>>>>>>> log-file = "/var/logs/kannel1.log"
>>>>>>>> log-level = "0"
>>>>>>>> access-log = "/var/logs/access1.access"
>>>>>>>> dlr-storage = "mysql"
>>>>>>>> sms-incoming-queue-limit = -1
>>>>>>>> sms-outgoing-queue-limit = 100000
>>>>>>>> smsbox-max-pending = 100
>>>>>>>> sms-resend-freq = 120
>>>>>>>> sms-resend-retry = 5
>>>>>>>> *smsc.conf*
>>>>>>>> group = smsc
>>>>>>>> smsc = "smpp"
>>>>>>>> smsc-id = "SMSC"
>>>>>>>> log-file = "/var/SMSC_LOG1.log"
>>>>>>>> log-level = "0"
>>>>>>>> host =
>>>>>>>> port = "xxx"
>>>>>>>> smsc-username = "xxxxxxx"
>>>>>>>> smsc-password = "xxxxxxx"
>>>>>>>> allowed-smsc-id = "SMSC"
>>>>>>>> preferred-smsc-id = "SMSC"
>>>>>>>> source-addr-ton = "0"
>>>>>>>> source-addr-npi = "1"
>>>>>>>> dest-addr-ton = "1"
>>>>>>>> dest-addr-npi = "1"
>>>>>>>> service-type = "CMT"
>>>>>>>> system-type = "SMPP"
>>>>>>>> alt-charset="UTF-8"
>>>>>>>> alt-addr-charset = "GSM"
>>>>>>>> bind-addr-ton = "0"
>>>>>>>> bind-addr-npi = "0"
>>>>>>>> enquire-link-interval = "120"
>>>>>>>> reconnect-delay = "10"
>>>>>>>> transceiver-mode = "true"
>>>>>>>> interface-version = "34"
>>>>>>>> connection-timeout = "0"
>>>>>>>> throughput = "100"
>>>>>>>> wait-ack-expire=0x02
>>>>>>>> reroute-dlr=1
>>>>>>>> *Kannel Monitor:*
>>>>>>>> SMS: received 0 (0 queued), sent 1055 (*0 queued*), store size -1
>>>>>>>> SMS: inbound (0.00,0.00,0.00) msg/sec, outbound (1.01,0.30,0.02)
>>>>>>>> msg/sec
>>>>>>>> DLR: received 2092, sent 0
>>>>>>>> DLR: inbound (0.59,0.47,0.03) msg/sec, outbound (0.00,0.00,0.00)
>>>>>>>> msg/sec
>>>>>>>> DLR: 764 queued, using mysql storage
>>>>>>>> Box connections:
>>>>>>>>     smsbox:sqlbox1, IP (*0 queued*), (on-line 0d 18h 40m
>>>>>>>> 35s)
>>>>>>>>  SMSC connections:
>>>>>>>> (online, rcvd: sms 0 (0.00,0.00,0.00) / dlr 0 (0.00,0.00,0.00), sent: 
>>>>>>>> sms 0
>>>>>>>> (0.00,0.00,0.00) / dlr 0 (0.00,0.00,0.00), failed 0, *queued 0
>>>>>>>> msgs*)
>>>>>>>> So please check my configuration and let me know what should be my
>>>>>>>> setting for this required setup.
>>>>>>>> One more thing I'm facing this problem because of queue shows on
>>>>>>>> SMSC connection.
>>>>>>>> *Thanks*
>>>>>>>> *Amaar Ali*
>>>>>>>> *Pune (M.H.)*

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