On Fri, 2019-03-08 at 19:46 +1100, Earl Ramirez wrote:
> Dear Fedora Community,
> I have been using Evolution client for many years now and it seems that after
> each upgrade Evolution is getting more greedy for memory, I was humble when it
> use to consume 2GB of RAM but now I have seen it consuming up 8GB of RAM 
> which I
> believe is not normal.
> I restarted evolution a few hours ago and it's already at 4+ GB, does anyone
> know if there is a way to manage the memory consumption of this application?
> Below is it's consumption and as I am typing this email it has already 
> increased
> to 4.6.
>  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND 
> 23508 eramirez  20   0  104.0g   4.3g  97064 S   7.3  13.9  55:24.16 evolution
> Does this mean time to start searching for replacement?

You don't show what command you used to get that output. In my case the
RSS field (from 'ps axl') shows 243560 (KB), i.e. 244MB.

You also don't say what your usage is: how many accounts, what kind are
they (POP, IMAP, Exchange, ...), are you using CALDAV features etc.,
all of which have an effect.

You might want to ask again on the Evolution list:

Be sure to state your specific version of Evo (Help->About).

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