On 10/23/22 08:50, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Many (perhaps all) of the gnome.org mailing lsits are being moved to
Discourse. This apparently is a decision made by the Gnome Foundation
and has caused a good deal of consternation on at least some of said
lists. I speak mainly for the Evolution list but I think the same is
true on at least some others. Some of the discussion can be seen at:


There are two main points of contention:

1) Most members of these lists were not aware of the coming change
until very recently. I am a moderator of the Evolution list and knew
nothing about it before others.

2) In some ways many of us consider the Discourse platform to be
significantly inferior to a mailing list. It does offer a mailing list
interface but in several respects it is inadequate. I refer you to this
post which goes into some detail:


It appears that the gnome.org is hosted by RedHat, which is a member of
the Gnome Foundation. That being the case, I would like to know if
there is any danger (I use the word advisedly) of this list and others
in the Fedora ecosphere suffering the same fate.

I've found this list to be phenomenally useful. The combined professional experiences and individual life experiences are a HUGE resource. No matter what it is there is always somebody who has the answer. Discarding that makes about as much sense as the US discarding their democracy.

So, as goes this list, so go I.

The last forum I tried to use didn't tie any responses to the original question. You had to google, etc. to try to locate responses, if any. Such a waste of my time. I uninstalled their product.

Mike Wright

ps.  There is a silly anecdote about finding something you want.

A sonfish went to his dad, a sunfish, and lamented, "Dad, I don't think I'll ever find a special fish friend. I'm so lonely."

Dad advises him, "Be patient, son.  There are a lot of people on the land."

Same goes for distros.

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