On 23Oct2022 16:50, Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
2) In some ways many of us consider the Discourse platform to be
significantly inferior to a mailing list. It does offer a mailing list
interface but in several respects it is inadequate. I refer you to this
post which goes into some detail:


With respect to this item in that post:

  No or broken threading on emails. This one is so annoying.  Doesn't
  any of the people who use Discourse use threading anywhere.
  Context is everything.

This is fixed in current Discourse, and the the Python discussions are running the fixed version. The Discourse devs were _very_ welcoming and responsive once the problem was well described and the required semantic fixes specified. Maybe the RedHat instance would benefit from updating the version.

As a long time antiwebforum email first person, I'm pretty happy with Discourse.

I do use mailing list mode for most Discourse forums and work almost entirely through the email interface. Happily.

Discourse brings some advantages:
- email to email users and forum for forum users (many of the young things these days)
- an app (whose primary benefit to me is reply notifications)
- the web interface also does notifications
- uses and renders Markdown for the text - this IMO is a BIG step up from normal email (I've little use for HTML email and plain text email _is_ a little less expressive than Markdown, which is as easy to type as plain text anyway)

These days I'm a big +1 for Discourse. From being a big -1.

It does have some issues, and I hope to discuss some of them with the devs.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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