On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 3:04 PM KarlderLetzte <karlderlet...@holnishaus.de>

> Hello everybody,
> thank you all for the information.
> Unfortunately i do not fully understand, how to manage the shrinking.
> For now, i will install the new linux on a external disc, boot and then
> copy content from the f38 installation.

Am I correct in thinking you were able to shrink the btrfs filesystem,
but are unable to find software to adjust the partition size to match?

You could use the new disk for a backup, then shrink the oversized
See: https://feldspaten.org/2018/06/01/resizing-btrfs-max/ -- shrink the
btrfs filesystem a bit smaller than you want, use fstab to resize the
then expand btrfs to use the full partition.

https://itsfoss.com/btrfs/ lists the advantages of btrfs

> the old way, long and work intensive (finding the correct partition
> size, choose the filesystem typ and so on.).
> i think, it is annoying, that btrfs with f38 is so hard to use for this
> task.
> my new filesystem will not be btfrs.

All filesystems need backups.  It seems wasteful to do an extra install.

George N. White III
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