Wow it works.  Thank you.

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Brian Barker <>wrote:

> At 09:51 08/03/2009 -0600, Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
>> Sorry for the confusion.  i will try again.
>> If A1 is empty or has an 0 in it, I want B1 to be empty.  At the same time
>> if A1 has any number in it, I want B1 to have that number in B1.
> In that case, you use the first suggestion I made in my previous message -
> and which you copied back in yours!  Here it is:
>> If you want zeroes in A to give empty cells in B, then my earlier
>>> suggestion:
>>>    =IF(A1=0;"";<put your other expression here>)
>>> will work.
> Now we know you want B to be a copy of A when A is not empty or zero, this
> becomes:
>    =IF(A1=0;"";A1)
> We are relying here, of course, on the fact that the test A1=0 will succeed
> not only for an explicit zero value but also for values that are interpreted
> as zero when a numeric interpretation is required, including empty cells and
> those containing only blanks.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker
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