NoOp wrote:
On 03/11/2010 09:56 AM, NoOp wrote:
On 03/10/2010 09:38 PM, Pedro Izecksohn wrote:
I wrote:

   Today the doctor told me that it is possible that he produced the
table in Excel.
--- NoOp wrote:
Still looks to be a bug. I even tried a copy&  paste to a new document
with the same results.

As mentioned, OOo 3.1.1 Ubuntu/Novell/go-oo version preserves the table
(albeit with some formating errors), but OOo 3.2.0 (standard version)
does not. Were I you I'd file a bug report.
Also, try it with a go-oo version:
and see if you get the same results. You can then use that information
to include in your bug report.
   Now I tried with Go-oo 3.2.0 build 9483 for x86_64.rpm on Ubuntu and
the table was not preserved in the .doc .

   What should I write in the bug report? Could you report this bug for me?

   I'm tired.
Confirmed. I just tried in go-oo/Ubuntu 3.2.0 (OOO320m11 Build:9479) and
the table isn't preserved there either. So it appears to be a regression
from 3.1.1. I'll load up a standard OOo 3.1.x and test in the next 1-2
days&  file a bug report based on the results.
Cor, can you test this with your 3.1x version? I'm sick (bad cold) and
can't seem to locate my old 3.1x downloads at the moment.

Earlier I mentioned that I could not open the document properly using 3.2.0 on Ubuntu. (I use the *.deb installation files from the OOo web site.) The Build is 320m12 (build: 9483). So there is no difference between the m11 and m12 versions. The table in the .doc file is not preserved when the file is opened. I also have a developer snapshot on my computer OOo-dev 3.30 [DEV300m72(build9484). It will open the Table VI-3.doc file and preserve the table. There were a couple of cells which needed a minor adjustment in width. I also saved this .doc file as an .odt file. Then I opened the .odt file using 3.2.0, and the file opened with the table in tact. So, whatever the problem, they seem to have solved it in the developer snapshots.


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