Take a look at vProtect for backups.  Works really well for our
environment, and supports incremental backups as well which is very handy.
It's free for up to 10 VMs to try.

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 4:20 PM Robert Webb <rw...@ropeguru.com> wrote:

> Didi,
> Thanks for the reply.
> Yes, backups are done, I am just thinking in the case of Murphy's Law
> where nothing works and the engine is gone. I am also new to oVirt and am
> always loking for the "proper" backup method as you have laready mentioned
> using engine-backup.
> Storage is NFS backed and backups are done in case of storage server
> failure.
> What is the preferred VM backup method so both disk and VM config is
> captured? Would rather not have to put agents on all the VM for OS level
> backups and then have to manually recreate all of the machines. Do all the
> VM configs get stored on the shared storage just like one of the other
> virtualization vendors?
> Appreciate the time from folks on the list who respond.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Yedidyah Bar David <d...@redhat.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 3, 2019 3:29 AM
> *To:* Robert Webb <rw...@ropeguru.com>
> *Cc:* users <users@ovirt.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [ovirt-users] Scenario: Ovirt-engine on hardware and
> recovery
> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 4:38 AM <rw...@ropeguru.com> wrote:
> >
> > So thinking about my setup, I am thinking through different failure
> scenarios.
> >
> > So lets say I have a small physical server with 8 cores and 16GB RAM and
> I install Centos 7 and ovirt-engine on bare metal. This would also be the
> same scenario is the engine were on a VM.
> >
> > I run into a major hardware issue and completely lose the engine.
> You do take backups, right? :-)
> For the engine itself, you can use engine-backup.
> >
> > How does one recover the cluster setup and not have to start from
> scratch by having to rebuild all the nodes? Can the engine just be rebuilt
> and the ovirt nodes be imported?
> You didn't mention your plans re storage.
> If you put your VMs on well-handled storage, and lose everything but
> the storage, you can install a new engine, new nodes, and then import
> the VMs from the existing storage. You will still miss some
> configuration etc., but should mostly be ok.
> If you plan to use gluster storage using the same nodes, aka HCI, the
> same applies, obviously, only that the nodes are your storage, and not
> an external system. You still have to make sure you handle them
> properly - backup, DR, etc., depending on your needs and budget.
> If you do have engine-backup backups, but lost all your storage,
> engine-backup will not help you.
> >
> > This scenario is based on the nodes being built from the ovirt node iso.
> That's ok, but is not relevant. Main question is the storage. Can be
> external or local/gluster with either ovirt-node or EL.
> Good luck,
> --
> Didi
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