
Hi Nam :)

Thanks for your reply. It's a great relief to be back in touch with you. :)

(It feels so weird, talking to Vietnamese people in English. :S Does it feel weird to you?)

On 23/10/2006, at 10:23 AM, Nam Nguyen wrote:

I have forwarded my reply on your Oct 4 email to you all.

Great! :D

As I have mentioned in that email, you need to submit an issue with your SSH2 key. I'll second that issue. And we'll get CVS access sorted out for you.

Extra great! :D

I submitted my SSH key yesterday, issue 70701 [1]. I hope I did it correctly. I tried to follow the instructions on the Native-Lang page. I mistakenly pasted in the key at first, because I couldn't see where to attach it. But then I went back and added my comment, and attached the key.

Sorry for the muddle. I'm not used to IssueZilla. Strangely enough, none of my other projects use it. Mostly Bugzilla, some Flyspray and Jira, I think.

The project roles (lead, developer, observer) that you can see on the web page do not imply whether one has access to the CVS. Only until his key is accepted by OOo itself, will he be able to make changes to the page. So, the issue here is not with "project lead" as you have identified.

Ah. Thanks for explaining that. That's different from other i18n projects. Usually, the lead, and sometimes one other person deputed by him/her, has write access. Possibly more if the team is especially productive.

On a side note, I would like to put this issue in a fast-track route. Please get in touch with me either via hand phone +65-90497049, or IRC at Look for me in channel #vietlug.

I will try IRC. I can't phone, but sometimes I can type in real-time for a bit. Besides, I have a soft spot for ViệtLUG. ;)

Why aren't you using that cute Tux Việt on the ViệtLUG page any more? I have a copy of that pic. which I treasure very much.

But I digress... ;)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)


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