Yeah, I was afraid it would come to that.
Sorry, you've apparently done some more research already...

Another thing I sometimes do is take the Wicket class and put it in the web-project's classpath but with my changes (e.g. remove a final). All servlet containers will load earlier from the WEB-INF/classes folder then from WEB-INF/lib. Its a huge hack, but it works most of the time.


aditsu wrote:
Well, I'm specifically talking about unexpected runtime exceptions. I don't
want those to destroy the whole page.
They can kill a component, that's ok, but the rest of the page should work.
And yes I want to "make sure that no exceptions are thrown", except that's
not so simple when you're dealing with a complex site and lots of pages,
components and models. If I missed any exceptions, I want those to be
handled gracefully rather than redirecting to an error page.

renderAll is ONLY called on the page, all other components go through
renderComponentTagBody to call renderNext, and both renderComponentTagBody
and renderNext are final :(
I tried overriding onComponentTagBody and wrapping the super invocation with
try/catch, but then the markup gets broken because it doesn't close tags
(i.e. advance in the markup stream?) after the exception is thrown in a
child component, and I still get an error page :(
renderComponent(MarkupStream) is final too, it seems that all "doors" are
closed and locked...

Erik van Oosten

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