On Fri, 25 Aug 2023 at 22:20, Dr. Janko Jochimsen
<janko.jochim...@urios-beratung.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Wicket but have some experience with Java and Tapestry. 
> Installing the quickstarts I have run into some problems that make me wonder 
> how many people are starting with this platform as of 2023?
> First the facts:
> I installed the default quickstart 9.14.0 from the 
> https://wicket.apache.org/start/quickstart.html as well as the  10.0.0.M1 
> directly via eclipse both into a completely fresh eclipse Version: 2023-06 
> (4.28.0) running under Java from Openlogic.  In both versions I have 
> got problem 1. and 2. Problem 3. is exclusive on 10.0.0-M1 but this is due to 
> the enforcement of Java 17 in Version 10.
> Now the problems:
> 1.) There is a simple problem with the keystore
> In Line 46 of the Start.java the keystore (keystore.p12)  is supposed to be 
> read. However in the path "\src\test\resources" you will find only a file 
> keystore (without the .p12 suffix). That can not work and therefore the 
> switch to https breaks if that file is not renamed. After renaming the 
> keystore file it worked and I can change to https (at least in 9.14.0 under 
> Java 11.
> 2.)
> In the path "\src\test\jetty" are four xml definition file how all get a
> Referenced file contains errors 
> (http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_0.dtd).
> error.
> I didn't managed to switch this off but it seems to be irrelevant at least 
> for the development system

According to

correct URL is http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/configure_9_3.dtd

I'll update it :)

> 3.)
> It looks as if the usage of org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory is 
> outdated and for Java 17 broken.
> a.)
> In Line 58 of the Start.java a SslContextFactory is created by this command:
>  SslContextFactory sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory();
> This call is deprecated in Java 11 and causes an error in Java 17. It should 
> read:
> SslContextFactory sslContextFactory = new SslContextFactory.Server();
> b.)
> A little bit more complicated is the problem in line 64 ff
> It states:
> ServerConnector https = new ServerConnector(server, new SslConnectionFactory(
> sslContextFactory, "http/1.1"), new HttpConnectionFactory(https_config));
> While this is legal in Java 11 but not  in Java 17. With 17 you get a
> The constructor SslConnectionFactory(SslContextFactory, String) is undefined
> error.
> You can kind of work around it by making an explicit cast
> ServerConnector https = new ServerConnector(server, new SslConnectionFactory(
> (org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory.Server) sslContextFactory, 
> "http/1.1"), new HttpConnectionFactory(https_config));
> That works for the http side but it will break if you change to https with 
> the following error.
> [qtp2009787198-27] WARN org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel - 
> handleException / org.eclipse.jetty.http.BadMessageException: 400: Invalid SNI
> I understand that a lot of the old hands work in their production 
> environments and do not have any problems on this level but for a newcomer it 
> is a bit disappointing to run into a number of problems as soon as you load / 
> create a completely untouched quickstart,
> Thanks anyway to keep going with this interesting platform.
> Best
> Janko
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