Hi Steven,

I undertook the Wicket Upgrade for a couple of 1.4/1.5 projects to Wicket
7/8 with Bootstrap. I don't have a script for upgrading it, but can share
my experiences and component changes by early next week.

If your 1.4 projects had multiple complex custom components written, then
it might be just easier to either create a new project with the latest
Apache Wicket and Wicket based UI libraries (which can replace some of your
custom components) to retain and reuse Wicket knowledge, or, use React (or
other Javascript framework).

Using React compared to Apache Wicket would be an architectural shift and
would need evaluating the pros/cons like budget, timeline,
ability/requirement to write test cases for UI behavior, Java v/s
JavaScript coding, overall testing, learning curve etc.

Creating a new project with the latest Apache Wicket and UI component
libraries might be easier than using React just with the fact that you
already have 1.4 code to copy/paste many if not most of the codebase.
In both cases, you can try to keep the UI leaner and push business to a
separate web services based project.


On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 8:58 AM Nelligan, Steven M <snell...@illinois.edu>

> Help,  I am new to Wicket...and have taken over a project with wicket
> version 1.4.18, which is way out of date.
> According to a consulting firm, this would be a multi-year project to
> update all of our projects to the latest version of Wicket; and they are
> recommending we just rewrite the front end code to React.
> Does anyone have a program or script which would help with the updating of
> wicket components to a new Version?
> Thanks,
> Steven M Nelligan
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