Hi Sebastian,

You might be using an old YAML file and tring to apply it to a new version
of UHD. Take a look at the YAML file for the version of the FPGA closest to
what you want. For example, here's the default X410 image in UHD 4.6:


Here's the same YAML with the DRAM commented out and a single FFT block


You'll probably want to tailor this to your use case.


On Mon, May 6, 2024 at 7:03 AM <ettus@basti.rocks> wrote:

> Hello Piotr, hello everybody,
> i am working with the USRP X410 as well and want to get the FFT Block to
> work in RFNoC.
> I have tried to use the yml as it is, but the Plausibility check failed,
> which i could resolve by editing the line 143 “dram” -> “dram0”. I guess
> this was a typo.
> After 2 h or so i had a .bit file and tried to flash it. However it
> doesn’t work and i get the following Message:
> [ERROR] [MPMD::MB_IFACE] Automatic clock detection requested, but no valid 
> clock index given (63). Make sure FPGA bitfile is up to date!
> [ERROR] [RFNOC::GRAPH] Caught exception while initializing graph: 
> RuntimeError: NotImplementedError: Automatic clock detection requested, but 
> no valid clock index given (63). Make sure FPGA bitfile is up to date!
> Do you have any idea what the problem is or can you provide me your
> working yml file?
> Please note that i have no in depth experience with FPGA development or
> RFNoC and only tried to follow the available guides.
> Best Regards,
> Sebastian
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