Great idea Paul
Loiez and the french vloggers with you

Thx for all


Le 17 févr. 07 à 21:28, Paul Knight a écrit :

> Hi Lovely Lovely Vloggers out there,
> As some British people know or are aware of, Comic Relief is only a
> month away, I have been to sainsburys and got my red nose and
> holographic chocolate and this time, because I was a few months late
> at starting this rollercoaster of a ride into internet video, I want
> to do my bit for this wonderful charity. I have started doing a joke
> a day on my website, and have
> managed to get a comic relief donate button so anyone, well just this
> country actually can donate to to this worthy cause directly.
> The cause is basically simple, instead of Rock Stars doing live aid,
> you get the best comics from all over the world to do their bit for
> free to raise funds for African Kids who have been effected by war
> and famine to kids in this country who are carers for disabled
> relitives the mentally ill, the kids who are effected by drink and
> drugs, loads of things like that. I think it is possibly the best
> Charity event of the year, it culminates in a big show on BBC TV on
> March 16th this year.
> Anyway what I am doing is posting a joke a day for the next 30 days
> until Red Nose Day 2007, I have posted my first today and need a
> little help with a few things.
> 1. I want to make this quite popular, in doing so I need to know how
> to get the message out there, digg might be good, but I have only
> once been dugg, so if someone could digg me who people listen to that
> would help.
> 2. If you would like to send me a joke to use I will credit you, also
> if you want to tell a joke on video, even better.
> 3. If you like the idea of giving but you live in the rest of the
> world besides the UK, you can of course use my paypal donate button,
> which takes money from anywhere, I will from there pass it on.
> Many Thanks for any help you can give me.
> I am getting slowly better.
> Paul knight
> That was posted on Friday and nothing so far, I am not asking for
> money from anywhere out of the UK just need some help, or am I wrong
> again????
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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