Friday, February 23, 2007, 2:39:26 AM, Jay dedman wrote:
> forget 2 days.
> lets meet for a whole week...
> I want to meet everyone's family and kids.
> let's talk about an idea and have a whole week to mull it over.

I love the idea of this, but the costs of travelling long distance by
air can be pretty steep for just one person. Justifying the expense of
bringing a whole family can be tough.

Friday, February 23, 2007, 10:11:16 AM, Deirdre Straughan wrote:
>    this part needs a LOT of advance notice as the US government is
>    such a PITA about letting foreigners in these days.

The last time I looked, the Canadian government was less nutty about
this stuff, and as far as I know it's also no big deal for folks from
the USA to go to Canada. So why not hold this event in (say) Toronto,
which is pretty much as easy to get to as NYC.

Just a thought.

Frank Carver

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