I do not have any personal investment or ties with any of the
following businesses.

<http://buylesscrap.org/> Says it all!!

Zannel.com is up and running.

This one I REALLY like. It is not only looks (I am on a mac so I must
wait to try it) like a graphical representaion that is interactive but
seems to be positioning for the 3D (or holographic) displays. From the
video demo
it seems like there might be a way to load a video behind the global
menu to show a video preview or the video (I am guessing here based on
the blog post showing up on the right side of the screen) but even if
the video loaded to the right as you brows it is really clever and
much more interesting then the normal 2D blog map.

Twingly <http://www.twingly.se/ScreenSaver.aspx>
Twingly screensaver is visualizing the global blog activity in real
time. Forget RSS readers where you see only what you're interested in.
With Twingly screensaver you get a 24/7 stream of all (viewer
discretion advised) blog activity, straight to your screen. More
information about Primelabs can be found at primelabs.com

I just started messing around with Google's API, and then I was torn
with my Mac Dashboard widgets 
and this  <http://eco.netvibes.com/uwa/> . Anyway came across this
today from Adobe called "Appollo"
<http://www.demo.com/demonstrators/demo2007/91259.php> So is anyone
here working with API's and have advice as to potential?


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