caroosky wrote:
> Any chance the next version of flash player will start supporting
> other formats besides mp3 and .flv?  Maybe even do away with the pesky
> nellymoser codec for FMS recorded audio? (Please please please???)

Sorry, I haven't seen any other announcements from Adobe's Flash Player 
team. (That press release came from Adobe's Mobile group, and they cook 
up the smaller Flash Lite engine for handhelds.)

Here are some of the staffers on the Player team, if you care to put 
them on a watchlist for any news:

Adding new codecs to the Player download has been hard, because every 
additional kilobyte reduces the clientside adoption. (Essentially we're 
trying to upgrade the world's consumer machines, so it's a 
carrot-and-stick approach of new functionality with minimal 
download/installation hassle.) I know that there's pressure this release 
for many improvements in audio/video, but me, I don't know how the team 
will balance all those desires yet.

The Nelly-Moser audio encoder embedded within each download of Adobe 
Flash Player is invaluable for two-way communications -- it lets the 
audience speak as well as hear.

For info on factors affecting codec choice, Tinic Uro's Aug05 essay is 
still the definitive resource:

> Also, the whole "chipmunk effect" with mp3s encoded at unsupported
> bitrates is frustrating to us and tens of thousands of other
> podcasters who would more readily adopt flash player widgets...can you
> tell the powers that be to support more bitrates?

I'm not sure how to describe this accurately enough to the product team 
to make sure they address the correct "chipmunks" scenario, but you can 
submit the change-request to the team yourself:
    (It's an old address, but redirects correctly... choose "Flash 
Player" in the dropdown list.)


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.

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