Hey Andy,
Looks like a cool site!  My wife and I have a similar vlog,

You might consider CrowdAbout.us, which is a social networking site
entirely centered on audio/video content.

Full disclaimer: I'm the co-founder of this new service, so yes, I'm
trying to convince you and others to consider what we're doing and how
it can help you accomplish building your community as stated below.

Here are the highights:
*free signup
*contextual text/audio/video commenting at specific points along the
timeline of your audio and video files. We have attached the blog to
the content, rather than attaching content to the blog.
*your content is listed in the CrowdAbout directory so new people can
find you there.
*embeddable players for your other blog(s), including a player we are
releasing by the end of the week which enables the full A/V commenting
capability on your blog. (you must be able to embed an iframe to do this)
*see the other members/participants of your crowd at a glance (they
have profiles you can view, so you can get to know them better)

It looks like a really fun project you have!  And I'm excited to see
you using video content as the starting point for building online
community.  Regardless of which tools you use to get the job done, in
the end it's encouraging to meet others who want to think beyond
simply throwing video online for the nameless, faceless masses to consume.

Carter Harkins

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Last week my wife and I launched a new parenting vlog
> called Dirty Diaper Diaries
> (http://www.dirtydiaperdiaries.com). At the time I was
> planning to incorporate social media widgets into the
> blog, which is run on movable type, to allow people to
> post video comments. I was experimenting with
> kickapps.com to do this but wasn't happy with the
> results. So now I'm playing around with Ning instead.
> It's a hosted social network rather than widget-based,
> so I can't incorporate it into our MT blog, but its
> social networking tools are so user-friendly I'm now
> thinking of dropping MT entirely and using Ning to
> drive the whole site. 
> Here's what I've set up so far:
> http://diaries.ning.com/
> Does this seem like a good way to go? For five bucks a
> month they'll let you use your own URL. So we might
> just relocate dirtydiaperdiaries.com to go here
> directly. Any thoughts?
> andy
> ------------------------
> Andy Carvin
> andycarvin at yahoo  com
> www.andycarvin.com
> www.pbs.org/learningnow
> ------------------------

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