Has everyone else had an increase in Feedburner stats?

They changed their algorithms last week.

I don't look at stats very much, and Feedburner stats almost never,  
but I saw an announcement from them about changing their algorithms,  
checked my feed and indeed there had been at least a 50% increase in  
subscribers in just the last few days.

There's no other reason for this for me, since I haven't posted  
anything and I have no more links listed in Technorati.

They say they've "retired" their Maximum algorithm in favour of their  
more complex Cluster algorithm, which "has shown itself to be a more  
accurate way to count subscriptions, taking into account elusive feed  
aliases and better reflecting the reality of how many subscribers are  
accessing your media. To clarify, any increases in subscription  
numbers aren't "new" subscribers, rather it reflects an improvement  
to how we calculate data for your feed."

But how much trust can one put in the new figures, given that the old  
figures were so wrong??

It doesn't really affect me, but I thought it might be of interest to  
some here whose stats are tied into their revenue.


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