Cool.  You need to make really clear on your upload page which file  
types you accept - you say mpg - presumably mp4?  It's my experience  
that your competitors take all sorts of files.  Also, if people only  
have a mov or wmv or avi file to upload to you and you're only  
accepting mp4 and flv, you need to tell them how to get them  
converted to your files, with a clearly linked help section.  There  
are many ways to do this - I guess you need to work out which route  
to recommend to your users.


On 22 Mar 2007, at 15:25, amumuaam wrote:

Hi Rupert

 > Do you have file type restrictions or server problems?

File type restrictions. Try it with mpg/flv files. But I'm not
satisfied with this issue, so there will be some updates in the near

 > Could you make an "Uploading" message which was more reassuring that
 > something is actually happening.

I'll put in a request for that.

Regards, Amu

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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