There seems to be quite a good discussion about it here, some of the
comments contain a lot of info:

Sounds like it will be a good use of money espeially for people with
G4 or G5 where encoding h264 can be insanely painful. Things arent
quite so bad with the intel macs, but that device should still make a
difference so I'll get one.

Interested to note that one of the rumours in the comments is that
Apple have GPU-assisted encoding built into leopard. So that will use
some of the graphics card processing power to decode/encode, making it
similar to the Elgate turbo.264 in terms of what it achieves, and
similar to some of the Windows graphics card history I was waffling
about yesterday. Wont be much good for people with the cheaper macs
that have non-powerful graphics chips in though.


Steve Elbows

--- In, "Steve Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aha perfect, this follows on very nicely from the discussion I was
> having with Drew here yesterday.
> Cool, someone finally took an encoder chip and offered it in a format
> that works with movies already on our Mac. This is excellent news, and
> the price doesnt seem too bad.
> I havent found a proper review yet, but looking at the spec it
> certainly will seed up your h264 encoding, just so long as you are
> only encoding to the resolutions & profiles this device supports. I
> hope it is more flexible than the spec suggests, as it seems to have
> fairly fixed ideas about what resolutions and h264 types it supports,
> to match the ipod and apple tv it seems. So it may not be suitable for
> veryone, but should satisfy the majority. Quite how much faster it is
> than just doing it with software, will depend on the speed of your
> computer - in a few years cpus may deliver faster results than this
> usb stick can, but for most machines I would think the performance
> gain will be worth it.
> I'll get one as soon as I can, and report back more information.
> Certainly based on the price & spec Id say it use a less powerful
> encoder than the one Drew mntioned yesterday, so Im expecting it wont
> deliver great results (or maybe any  results) with full HD res stuff,
> but again thats not an issue for most people at the moment.
> The other issue is whether there is any difference in the quality of
> footage it delivers - only personal testing or a recent review will
> reveal this to us.
> Cheers
> Steve Elbows
> --- In, "Gary Rosenzweig" <rosenz@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Looking for reviews of this:
> >
> > 
> > Anyone have one? Does it really speed up encoding when using QT Pro or
> > Final Cut?
> > -- 
> > Gary Rosenzweig
> > CleverMedia
> > rosenz@
> >

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