> There are going to have to be rules. There will be regulation. The
> only question is: Which interests will be served by the make up of
> the rules?
> The Free Market did wonders for TV and Cable didn't it?
> Man the Free Market kicks ass in the Oil business.
> That Free Market's done great for Healthcare, and I rumor has it that
> it's going to be really good for our water supply.

Yes, regulation is required, but over-regulation hurts as much as none.

A lot of those businesses suffer because of additional regulation.
Oil - the government makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil company,
along with dictating the formula shipped to different parts of the
TV/Cable - government regulations are why cables are a monopoly in most
Healthcare - try buying an insurance policy with just what you need for
coverage, instead of the policy with government mandated items that you
will never use.

> I think people are dying because we have been legislating for profit
> before people.
> I think people starve because we legislate profit before people.

And we do the same based on government policy.

Most of this is based on bad tax policy ... something that does not need
to get discussed on this mail list. I feel like I'm stealing FreeTalk's
show notes here :)

> There's more to the internet than commerce.

That I agree with 100% ... I hope the FTC remembers that when they legislate.

And now, back to talk about videos :)

Brian Richardson
 - http://siliconchef.com
 - http://dragoncontv.com
 - http://whatthecast.com
 - http://www.3chip.com

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