Hello Mark,

If I understand what you are saying correctly... that you want to show
only your latest post on the homepage... then this is a Wordpress
Theme issue.  (You don't need any plug-ins or anything.)

In other words... you need to get or make a Wordpress theme that does this.

I can tell you how to edit your Wordpress theme to do this if you
don't know how to.

See ya

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc. <http://ChangeLog.ca/>

                  All the Vlogging News on One Page

On 6/29/07, caminofilm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
>  I want to set up my vlog with a static homepage that also has a
>  section that shows my latest posts.
>  I tested one plugin, but it only display RSS text. Is there a solution
>  that allows me to display latest video posts?
>  mark
>  overlander.tv

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