I suspect that, in real life, you'll have to turn that question around: how
much is someone else willing to pay for you to videoblog what you love? And
that, in turn, depends very much on what it is you love to videoblog and how
interesting that is to others.

Yes, my job is mostly about marketing (and always has been, though I mean
marketing in a far wider sense than most people). As it happens, I love
hearing people's stories, and if I can hear them on video and share them, so
much the better. That can include stories that also have a marketing purpose
such as showing why a particular person loves to work for Sun Microsystems.
It's about Sun, but it's also about the person, and that fascinates me. So
we're all happy.

On 6/25/07, Bill Cammack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I just saw this, so I'm responding late. :)
> "Imagine that there was something that YOU LOVED to videoblog about...
> How much money would you need in order to do that videoblog full
> time?" I think Vergel's (http://lx7.ca) answer was a good one "My
> expenses plus a percentage for extracurricular activities". What
> you're talking about is closer to what Jeffrey's issue was. A company
> wants you to promote their business. To me, that's like any other
> business deal. They need someone to promote them... You have the time
> and a camera. It's a match.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

living & travelling in Italy
(and other Countries Beginning with I)
Check out my latest blog post:
----Blogsigs.com <http://www.blogsigs.com>, Link your own blog posts.

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