What's crappy or mediocre to one person is pure gold to another.
There's room for it all on the internet. And that is the whole fucking
point! You don't have to be "good" to be on the Internet and nobody
can make you watch the stuff you don't want to watch.

Some of my favorite videos are the ones I've made of my family or ones
that my friends have made. I doesn't matter if they are considered
good or worthwhile. What matters is that they're there. THAT is the

- Verdi

On 7/13/07, Kent Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There is a lot of mediocre stuff out there on the web, but that can't
>  be solved systemically.  But there's a ton of crappy TV, so-so books,
>  and passable films.
>  Why should we expect a medium that is largely low-budget and indie be
>  any different than its old skool, well-funded counterparts?
>  If we want to advance the medium and see amazing shows, it's incumbent
>  upon us to create those shows.
>  -Kent, askaninja.com

Author of Secrets Of Videoblogging - http://tinyurl.com/me4vs

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