The problem was fixed by using my laptop (iBook G4) which has QuickTime Pro 
which is a version older than the one on my main computer; QT version 7.2.... 
So much for always hitting the "upgrade now" button on the software upgrade 
option.  I'll 
replace the newer version with the older and see if that works on my main 
computer (Mac 
G4 dp).
Creating videos is always interesting and sometimes very frustrating.
Thanks for your advice. 


--- In, "Gena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a question or two, did you update software or change a setting?
> Your not on Windows, which is known for sneaking updates that folks
> are semi conscious of happening.
> Wait a minute - wasn't there an update to a newer version of QT Pro?
> Gena
> --- In, "Bookmarts" <bookmarts@> wrote:
> >
> > Fellow videobloggers:
> >     Every week for more than a year I have created about a five
> minute video of a poet reading 
> > his or her poetry. Each week the video is exported from iMovie into
>  .mov,  .wmv and .m4v 
> > formats. 
> >     This week when I attempted to export the latest video into the
> .wmv format I get the alert 
> > message, "Inconsistent Audio Sample Rate. The media you are
> exporting contains audio with 
> > multiple sample rates."  The video will compress (export) properly
> to .mov and .m4v, but not 
> > to .wmv. I have tried exporting from iMovie, Final Cut Express HD,
> and QuickTime and the 
> > same message and failure occurs. 
> >     Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. 
> > Thanks,
> > Michael
> >
> >

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