On 7/24/07, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I SOOOO wanted to go to the vloggies last
> year....so I bought the buddy passes for my wife and I and set
> an "open" date for LA to go to the vloggies this year.....
> Now I wonder if I didn't just waste a bunch of money....

Not to worry, Heath, at this rate I think its safe to say some alternative
community event will be happening in LA at about the same time. :-P

I think its interesting how PodTech says in one breath how they want the
vloggies to be a community event ... but it seems to me (and I've been in
this community far longer than they have) that PodTech never talks to the
'community' except to toss out vague insinuations that Lan was somehow
partly to blame for their violating his license.

I've seen nothing from PodTech (EVER, not just in this mess) to suggest to
me that the above quotes from 'valerie' isn't going to be their standard
operating procedure now that Irina isn't there.  Irina did them a great
service as liaison to the community ... the folks who are trying to pick up
the role at the moment aren't nearly as effective.

I'm sure PodTech is working very closely with the money bags in the world to
make sure the 'vloggies' is going to be just exactly what the sponsors want
it to be, and reward those vloggers which the sponsors want to promote.

blah blah blah ... same old thing I guess.

- Dave


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