No offense, but our Vloggy has meant a lot to us.  In fact, it's the only
positive regard we ever got from Freetime.  It's also the only time that
project ever got linked by anyone else's blogs.  If we hadn't had that
modicum of success in getting even the most rudimentary audience, I
probably wouldn't have had the energy to go forward with Greentime.

When you've already "made it", awards are pretty pointless.  When you're
desperately trying to make a name for yourself, every bit of positive
attention counts.


> "Awards don't mean a goddamn thing.  They're stupid.  They're all stupid.
> It's beyond me that we feel the need to set aside a night to give out
> these
> jagoff bowling trophies so all these people can pat each other on the back
> about how much money they're making boring the piss out of half the
> world."
> Jerry Seinfeld
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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