> Hi Bill sorry for the confusion and thanks for taking the time to clarify
>  it.  Let me try to explain what I am looking for.  Periodicly, I update my
>  posts, or people post comments to my site, so at that point part of the
>  content is new or updated.  Right now unless someone checks back on the
>  site, they will not know there is new content.  I am told there is some
>  software you can to a wordpress 2.2 blog that allows site visitors to sign
>  up for email notification that the site content has been updated.  So if
>  they enter their email address into the system, they will get an email
>  notifying them of the change.  So this software add on to the blog that
>  allows people to register for notification of updates is what I am looking
>  for.  I currently have a RSS feed on the site, and perhaps this serves a
>  similar function.  I am sorry I do not understand how RSS feeds work, so I
>  can't comment on that.

Feedburner.com currently has a "subscribe by email".
a person will get an email anytime you make a new post.

Charles is also building a WP plugin that does this as well as part of
His plugin will supposedly let you customize how the emails look and read.

there is also a cool WP plugin we now use for comments.
a person can check a box when leaving a comment...and new comments to
that specific post will be emailed to the person. This way the
conversation can continue.


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