Theres no specific geographical targeting on youtube as far as I know.
Careful choice of keywords/tags and category that you publish your
youtube videos under, are the way for people to find you. Youtube have
started to do sites catered to specific countries, eg,
but its not clear what this will actually mean in detail.

Reasons for using an alternative video host would be if you prefere
their extra features, terms of service, video quality, ability to
offer multiple different formats, or perhaps you want to make money
from advertising so would want to use one of the others that shares

Reasons to still have your own website include offering features or
design of site that none of the others offer, or if you also post a
lot of text or video then your own blog may be better than a video
hosting site. Or you may want an insurance policy in case these
services ever go broke and close down. Or you may want more control
over distribution & branding of your work, or you want to monitor the
stats/logs yourself on your own server, where you many be able to
glean more info about your visitors. But yes, for many people these
are largely unnecessary complications.

One of the advantages of sites like youtube are the huge number of
visitors, that are there for other reasons and may find your stuff.
But they may not, peoples mileage varies greatly. You may also want to
consider one of the more full-feaured social networks as an
alternative. For some people, having a presense on myspace or facebook
may have beneficial results, and both of those have means to include
video.  On facebook you could create a group that fits your topic, or
join an existing one that fits, and this increases the chances that
interested potential viewers would find you. It really comes down o
who your potential audience is, it can be hard to know if lack of
audience is due to doing something wrong, or there genuinely no being
that many people who would be interested no matter what you do, the
internet scale thing can be crazy, can feel like a very busy place but
also a lonely place.

As for sexual frustration, well it has alsways been one of the big
motivating drives for humanity, has always made up quite a chunk of
human to human communication, and I dont think its that different to
the real world its just no so hidden. But do not discount the effect
of young people, who still dominate quite a lof of these social sites.
They are just bound to have more energy focussed on that sort of
thing. Social networking sites make me feel old at 32 quite a lo of
the time, bu having said that I cant think of one video Ive ever
wached on youtube that was about sex or related matters - it can take
some pracice to make these sites show you the people & conversations &
content that you are interested in, but when it happens then all the
stuff that is worthless noise to you doesnt matter any more. If there
is a decline in people being interested in quality stuff that matters,
then Id say its a general trend of society in the last 30 or 40 years,
not something new or net related, its been reflected in the mass media
for decades, I hink reality passed away in the late 1970's or early 1980's

Id probably rather have a front bone than a backbone, lol sorry
couldnt resist.


Steve Elbows
--- In, "Daryl Urig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks everyone, good comments. Three questions???
> 1) Can you select a geographic are to target YouTube Videos to?
> Example a specific area in Cincinnati, Ohio. My thought is if it is a
> local event it may not be appealing to World Wide Web (WWW.)
> 2) Why over youTube? You can host your movie on youtube, get
> their audience to view it, the youTube video can be easily put on your
> own website page, and they seem to add a little youTube logo in the
> bottom corner when their video goes off their site. YouTube seemed
> easier to me. What are advantages of
> 3) Does apple pick up youTube?

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