--I'm documenting my life and want to make sure I "own" my information.
Jay, this is exactly what keeps me going every post! 
John Coffey
Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          > well maybe i am just not getting it. But it looks to me like people
> want to stay in "youtube" and surf videos. Or stay in "myspace" or
> "facebook" and view videos and blogs, so why would I want to bother
> setting up my own blog and video steaming on my own web server. Why
> would anyone want to come to my own website, when they have these nice
> options?

A lot of bloggers are dealing with these issues.
for many people, sticking with a social network makes a lot of sense.
Obviously, if you're work is good and you particpate in the community,
people will get to know you.

A couple reasons why other people like to maintain their own site:
--A blog is an artform in itself. I want to be able to design it
anyway I want...with all the functionality I want.
--i want my own URL.
--i expect the current popular social media nettwork to be unpopular
in 5 years. It may be almost impossible to pull out old posts from
that site.
--I'm documenting my life and want to make sure I "own" my information.
--i want to sell ads on my own site and not deal with someone else's
terms of service.

I see many vloggers finding the happy medium.
They upload to Youtube or wherever.....but then archive the videos on
their own blog that has their own look. Best of both worlds.


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