Rupert, excellent lesson. Gonna print this!

Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Feedburner will make an enclosure for the first video file it sees a 
link to, unless it sees a rel="enclosure" element.

So when you used to just link to your mov file, it'd turn that into 
an enclosure that iTunes could see.

But now you're copying the Blip copy & paste code. And that contains 
two links to Flash files with rel="enclosure"s in them. So 
Feedburner sees that and turns the flv file into the only enclosure 
for that post, and so iTunes ignores it. If you also had a 
rel="enclosure" in your Quicktime link at the bottom, Feedburner is 
smart enough to prioritise the mov file over the flv file.

So what you need to do is add a rel="enclosure" to your Quicktime 
link. Then Resync your feed totally (the nuclear option) in the 
Troubleshooting section of Feedburner and you'll be fine. It will 
prioritize your mov rel="enclosure" over the two flv rel="enclosure"s 
in the Blip player code. Though you could just delete those, just to 
be sure.

Actually, there's something else you should be aware of. If you copy 
& paste your code immediately, before Blip's had time to do the Flash 
conversion, the Copy & Paste code that they give you links to the 
original file (Quicktime mov or whatever), with a rel="enclosure". 
This is what you have on Rabbits and Weddings, which is the only 
other mov file that's an enclosure in your feed.

But if you wait until the Flash conversion is done before copying & 
pasting, you get only the flv files in the Player code, with 
rel="enclosure" in the links, and that's what screws you up.

What Blip should really do is either get rid of the rel="enclosure" 
attached to flv files, which hardly anybody wants, or just STOP 
changing the copy & paste code after it's done conversions. It 
should keep the original file in the copy & paste code. It'd still 
play in a Flash player when clicked, because of a magic little script 
Blip puts in there that tells it to play the flv file if one is 
available. And it would stop you having to manually code a link to 
your mov file with a rel=enclosure.


On 4 Nov 2007, at 18:18, David Howell wrote:

Try resyncing your feed in feedburner. That might work.


--- In, "schlomo rabinowitz" 
> Thanks Bill and ssukotto for the advice; but I'm still confused... 
> already tried to re-ping the services.)
> Ssukotto, how do I tell feedburner to use the quicktime? I've 
always put
> the quicktime as a link in the title post so the aggregators take 
> first. Always worked before; why the change?
> On 11/3/07, ssukotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > <>
> >
> > Hi Schlomo--the problem is in the Feedburner feed. For recent
> > episodes, it is inserting the .flv version into the feed. Not sure
> > why, but since this version is not QuickTime compatible /
> > downloadable, neither the iTunes Store nor individual copies of 
> > can see those episodes. Check the source feed, make sure the 
> > version is properly referenced there, then ping it with 
Feedburner again.
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Schlomo Rabinowitz
> AIM:schlomochat
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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