Well, this list doesn't do it for me much anymore either. I dont
really get that much support from the list. This is not to say that
this is not a supportive community or that its gone bad, its just that
I personally dont get that much from it anymore.

People are not as moved as they seemed to once be and people are not
talking about the next thing. Thats okay, we can keep talking about
the last thing but I liked the next-thing part of the list from

Just the other day I posted what I would consider a pretty relevant
topic about the changing industry, mentioned I had been working on a
hypothesis for quite some time and then asked for thoughts but didn't
get a single response here. It wound up on Techmeme with links from
Mashable, Newteevee, The Hollywood Writers Guild blog and I got
contacted by some striking writers and got offered a panel position,
but not a single comment on this list, even after asking. I guess its
just not interesting or exciting to most people anymore.

I am still grateful for this list, especially for how much support I
have gotten in the past and I think I have given alot as well. Its
kinda of like a family which you love unconditionally even when you
disagree and get upset, so Ill stick around.

Im also not going to just say that this sucks and not throw out a
solution. For some this wont be a solution because there is no
problem, but for those that also feel the lack of any vibrance now,
perhaps people could do more to post about relevant breaking news.
Thats really what was so exciting about the list on top of all of the
other values a couple of years ago. A breaking news story often leads
to a great discussion where people pull their ideas together over new
and fresh ideas. I call it breaking news but it was often filled with
little discoveries from people in the group out there doing. It was
about finding a way to bootstrap two new things together, a way to
take something a step further that had not been articulated before, an
interesting comment on the impact of a message in content - laying out
new methods and talking about them.

This is exactly what keeps me going, personally, an now, when I get
excited and want to engage in a discussion about contemporary or
future issues, I look to other places where people seem much more
impassioned about the space.

On Dec 23, 2007 11:49 PM, Chuck Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you guys suck
>  just kidding!
>  there have been a few bad apples in here, and drawn out terrible
>  back-and-forths that made me stop reading this group. that said,
>  the community is still here (or, there, or various places if we look).
>  cheryl colan's thread is proof that the videoblogging community
>  exists, and is sensitive and strong and passionate. however i prefer
>  to keep up with that community on Twitter for the most part.
>  all my very best of the season to you, each and every one.
>  -chuck
>  plug! working on the final ((?)) Vlog Santa going up soon:
>  http://vlogsanta.tv

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