Jake, just shut up. ..you had me at 'hello'.

On Dec 28, 2007 3:39 PM, Jake Ludington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > They care about crushing distributed media, just as power companies
>  > care about crushing distributed power.
>  > We are here because we believe in distributed media.
>  Please do not use the universal 'We' to sum up everyone on the list. I'm
>  here to get help with videoblogging and help others. My beliefs have
> nothing
>  to do with my participation/lurking on the list.
>  > We're not targets at a personal level. We're targets at a conceptual
>  > level. And the corporate media is coming after the concept of
>  > distributed media.
>  I get contacted regularly by people in mainstream media companies who want
>  my involvement in projects because of my background in independent online
>  publishing. They aren't trying to target anything conceptual that I'm
> doing;
>  they want to understand it. Corporate media is trying to figure out how to
>  embrace what the little guy is doing in a way that maintains their
> relevance
>  while not eroding shareholder value in the process.
>  > If I had to guess, I'd say their going have their way with net
>  > neutrality, flood the tubes with content then price us out of the
>  > game. That way they get us to put our money into their wallets and we
>  > just go away.
>  That must be why NYTimes.com decided to offer their product for free - to
>  flood the tubes and make us go away; not because they realized they could
>  make more money doing things the way indie publishers were already having
>  success.
>  Jake Ludington
>  http://www.jakeludington.com

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