Hi Again Everyone,

I'm sending this plea for help out again because while I was able to
convert my video from .wmv to .mov using a third-party program, it was
not at the quality that I would have liked, and I would like to get my
money's worth from QT Pro.  That being said, anyone who can help me
with suggestions on what the problem might be would be heroes in my

Thanks for dealing with my badgering,

January 6, 2008:
"Hi Everyone,

OK - so I've been gone for a while, and i thought everything
 would be fine if I jumped right back in to vlogging. Well it turns out
 something is happening to my videos when I create them as .avi files
on Windows media player and then convert them to .mov on QT Pro.
Nothing is ever as easy as yout hink. It gets all fuzzy, pixelates,
and even breaks
down at certain times, and the sound quality diminishes at some points
to loud static. I am sure I am not the first one to have this
problem, and it may have been dealt with before, but right now I am
trying to get my first Semanal video posted and I don't have the
patience to search the list. Anyone who can help me please...HURRY!
I'm so dramatic. Happy Saturday!"

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