Hey Chris,

It's really a matter of finding advertisers or something (like an ad
network or something else) that has advertisers.

Organically obtained advertisers can be great.  (I.e., advertisers who
find your site through search engines, word of mouth, etc)  But in my
experience, getting them that way is a long term goal.... and I've yet
to see very many people do it in the short term.

If you got the cash, then hire sales people.

If not, maybe group together with some other people with similar
content and cooperatively hire sales people.

See ya

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

Motorsport Videos

Vlog Razor... Vlogging News...  http://vlograzor.com/

On Feb 7, 2008 10:24 AM, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are some best practices for monetizing videos with mature
> content? And by that I don't mean porn, I mean something that, in
> terms of propriety, falls somewhere between French Maid TV and a Kevin
> Smith film (leaning more toward the former most of the time, but
> occasionally careening toward the latter).
> I know that's going to cut out certain revenue partners whose TOS's
> preclude such things, such as - I'm guessing - AdSense.
> So my question, I guess, is can anybody name any revenue partners that
> don't care if your content is a little racy or risque? Especially now
> that Revver is likely going bye-bye...
> Chris

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