On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Mark VillaseƱor
<videoblogyahoogr...@tailtrex.tv> wrote:
> David Jones: "Youtube videos also gets indexed and show up on Google
> searches MUCH better and more frequently than any other video host."
> Wishful thinking; were the above accurate Google (who OWNS YouTube) would be
> in blatant violation of U.S. antitrust statutes (not to mention California
> law, where Google and YT are located). Maybe THAT'S why Google algorithms
> only reference VIDEO (showing no preference for source), and route to the SE
> faster only upon application of the PPC model?
> ...Just a hunch.

Good thing it's possible to just try it for yourself, no need for hunches.
Type anything into Google, like for example "engineering video",
"funny video", whatever.
What pops up first and foremost? Almost always a Youtube video, right
at the very top.
The others don't show up that often IME.

And of course, try clicking on the "Video" button at the top of a
Google search for an even more Youtube biased Google search.
Try for example "World cup":

and "Video Blog" gets Youtube on the top 3, but at least we get some
Vimeo this time.

how about just "blog":


"short film"

Heck, even if you type in "Vimeo", you get half Youtube results!

and "BlogTV", Oops!

etc etc...

> Notwithstanding, no proponent of Blip-TV has thus far advocated NOT using YT
> to some extent. Therefore related YouTube vs. Blip arguments are
> superfluous.

I agree, when it comes to the technical aspects, you can argue until
the cows come home, and there are certainly better options than
But I heard no one else extol the unique benefits of Youtube in terms
of search and presence, so I did just that.


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