I have seen some skeptopaths say that an HBomb is an example of Controlled
Hot Fusion (CHF).  This is, of course, an extremely stupid position.  An
HBomb is an UNcontrolled reaction.  We have pissed hundreds of $billions
trying to CONTROL that reaction, such as with lasers, magnetic confinement,
and other things.  What is the result, after spending so much money trying
to control the HBomb?  Nothing.

The following interaction is an example.  It is also useful because he
hints that Solar Energy is an example of CHF, even though CHF funds NEVER
went into solar power.  NEVER.


To: *Kevmo*
 Right, because no one has ever *seen* useful amounts of energy produced by

It's like arguing with a deaf 2 year old.
23 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=23#23> posted
on *Wed 05 Feb 2014 08:46:23 PM PST* by
is hard. Harder if you're stupid.)
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To: *Toddsterpatriot*

By ALL FREEPING MEANS, post where ANY amount of Useful Energy has been
produced by CHF. H-Bombs are not an example of CHF. But if you want to
argue from that premise, it will be useful for the asked & answered offsite
knowlege storage & reference.

24 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=24#24> posted
on *Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:02:04 PM PST* by Kevmo
<http://www.freerepublic.com/%7Ekevmo/> ("A person's a person, no matter
how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: *Kevmo*


25 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=25#25> posted
on *Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:27:12 PM PST* by
is hard. Harder if you're stupid.)
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To: *Toddsterpatriot*

That is a demonstration of supposedly Controlled Hot Fusion? Where does
'fusion' occur within those solar cells? It doesn't. Everyone knows that
except you. Your CHF fraud boys produced Zip, as usual.

26 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=26#26> posted
on *Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:32:41 PM PST* by Kevmo
<http://www.freerepublic.com/%7Ekevmo/> ("A person's a person, no matter
how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: *Kevmo*
 Right, because no one has ever *seen* useful amounts of energy produced by

Deaf and blind.
27 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=27#27> posted
on *Thu 06 Feb 2014 06:08:38 AM PST* by
is hard. Harder if you're stupid.)
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To: *Toddsterpatriot*

There is nothing controlled nor useful about an H-Bomb. It is UNcontrolled.
It's the difference between 13th century Chinese gunpowder bombs and 21st
century Internal Combustion Engines. 700 years difference, control vs.
uncontrolled. But someone as ignorant as you is calling an Hbomb "useful"
amounts of energy produced. Go ahead and stand next to one and let it go
off to prove to us how useful it is to you.

28 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=28#28> posted
on *Thu 06 Feb 2014 01:57:29 PM PST* by Kevmo
<http://www.freerepublic.com/%7Ekevmo/> ("A person's a person, no matter
how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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To: *Kevmo*
 Damn, you're denser than osmium.

*There is nothing controlled nor useful about an H-Bomb. It is
UNcontrolled. *

I've never heard of an H-bomb going off accidentally. Have you?

I'm pretty sure most H-bomb tests were successful.

Seems controlled to me.

*But someone as ignorant as you is calling an Hbomb "useful" amounts of
energy produced. *

Can you read? Right, because no one has ever *seen* useful amounts of
energy produced by fusion.

Are you under the impression that the only fusion we've seen was in an
29 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=29#29> posted
on *Thu 06 Feb 2014 05:24:24 PM PST* by
is hard. Harder if you're stupid.)
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To: *Toddsterpatriot*

Damn, you're denser than osmium.
***which would make you as stupid as a bag of rocks.

I've never heard of an H-bomb going off accidentally. Have you?
***Case in point, right here. Just look how incredibly stupid your argument
is. Your argument is that because you can decide WHEN it's going to blow
up, that is an example of CHF. So, after hundreds of $billions trying to
control this reaction, the best we have is an on switch, no off switch, and
entire populations vaporized. That is YOUR example of controlled hot
fusion, a hot fusion car, a hot fusion water heater, a hot fusion jet pack.
I'd be more than happy to stand for an hour next to a Cold Fusion reaction;
and it would make me happy to see you stand for just a few seconds next to
your shining example of Controlled Hot Fusion while it's turned on, as long
as I'm a continent away.

I'm pretty sure most H-bomb tests were successful.
***And we've spent hundreds of $billions trying to control that reaction so
we can use it. By your own admission, the only "control" we have over the
reaction is when to turn it on. In the meantime, guys like Hagelstein are
running Cold Fusion cells for MONTHS. My goodness, it just boggles the
imagination to see someone so stupid as to promote an atom bomb as an
example of a controlled, useful reaction. You can't be that stupid. But
when we look over your posts, yup, you are that stupid.

Seems controlled to me.
***Yup. You ARE that stupid.

Kevmo: But someone as ignorant as you is calling an Hbomb "useful" amounts
of energy produced.

Toddiot: Can you read? Right, because no one has ever seen useful amounts
of energy produced by fusion.
***So, it's so useful to you? Hundreds of $billions have been spent trying
to control the power of the hbomb, and what do we have to show for it? The
fact you can SEE it from afar? That's USEFUL? Keep in mind this is money
spent well after the HBomb was produced. Its aim was directly to turn it
into a useful and controlled energy source. The best we have is that we can
stand 100 miles away and SEE an HBomb go off. And that's supposedly
hundreds of $millions well spent. Only a stupid person could hold such a
position. And you DO hold such a position.

Are you under the impression that the only fusion we've seen was in an
***No, we've seen fusion in that star that hangs in the sky. So, now your
position is that we've spent hundreds of $billions trying to control this
HBomb reaction and the best we have to show for controlled hot fusion is
that you can go outside and look at the sun? WTF? What was that money
fraudulently spent on? We could go and look at the sun long before that
money was spent, and if only 2% of it were spent on Cold Fusion instead of
CHF, we'd have LENR cars by now.

30 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/3114918/posts?page=30#30> posted
on *Thu 06 Feb 2014 06:08:18 PM PST* by Kevmo
<http://www.freerepublic.com/%7Ekevmo/> ("A person's a person, no matter
how small" ~Horton Hears a Who)
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On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 9:23 PM, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm growing weary of the same objections, over and over and over again on
> various internet sites.  So I'm going to post each q&a here & just send
> links.

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