Hi Niphlod,

Thanks for the suggestion, I finally figured out what's wrong. I had the 
code $(document).ready(function()... when that was removed, it worked.

On Saturday, October 20, 2012 6:27:01 AM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:
> something is off with your controller. Try to post a minimalist app to 
> reproduce the problem, I can't simulate your issue.
> On Friday, October 19, 2012 11:35:51 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:
>> My results on the latest git clone,
>> Version 2.1.1 (2012-10-19 14:59:27) dev
>> ---> The same as before. the quotation marks are still "
>> In addition, I have lost my dropdown menus (response.menu).
>> I thought maybe I created a new app on the trunk and ported over all my 
>> controllers, models, database, views. But still have the above 2 not 
>> working (the cid and the dropdown menus)
>> On Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:13:09 AM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:
>>> Right now I can't switch to 2.0.9 . Can you try current trunk ?
>>> On Friday, October 19, 2012 10:44:33 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:
>>>> I dropped the user_signature. Now it looks like:
>>>> <a href="/testapp/view/2" 
>>>> onclick="web2py_component(&quot;/testapp/view/2&quot;,&quot;post1234&quot;);return
>>>>  false;"> Title Title Title </a>
>>>> Still doesn't work. 
>>>> I'm on Version 2.0.9 (2012-09-17 21:37:10) stable. 
>>>> On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:51:52 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>> yep, indeed there seems to be a problem in your rendered link. Can you 
>>>>> see if removing user_signature the link works ?
>>>>> On Friday, October 19, 2012 3:41:24 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:
>>>>>> I looked up source and pasted it wholesale here:
>>>>>> <a 
>>>>>> href="/testapp/view/2?_signature=55b3689d7a3d25c3607631da547ad3139b3e47af"
>>>>>> onclick="web2py_component(&quot;/testapp/view/2?_signature=55b3689d7a3d25c3607631da547ad3139b3e47af&quot;,&quot;post1234&quot;);return
>>>>>>  false;">Title Title Title</a>
>>>>>> It looks like the quotation marks are not appearing correctly? 
>>>>>> On Friday, October 19, 2012 9:03:24 PM UTC+8, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>> please check that your link is rendered to something like
>>>>>>> <a 
>>>>>>> onclick="web2py_component("/app/default/view/1","post1234");return 
>>>>>>> false;" 
>>>>>>> href="/app/default/view/1">title</a>
>>>>>>> If that's the case, and it's not working, then something is off with 
>>>>>>> the javascript (this functionality relies on web2py.js loaded).
>>>>>>> Anyway, this works on the welcome app.
>>>>>>> On Friday, October 19, 2012 1:03:01 PM UTC+2, lyn2py wrote:
>>>>>>>> I looking at web2py book here:
>>>>>>>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/34/05
>>>>>>>> Tha A helper takes a special argument called cid. It works as 
>>>>>>>>> follows:
>>>>>>>>> {{=A('linked page', _href='http://example.com', cid='myid')}}
>>>>>>>>> <div id="myid"></div>
>>>>>>>>> and a click on the link causes the content to be loaded in the 
>>>>>>>>> div. This is similar but more powerful than the above syntax since it 
>>>>>>>>> is 
>>>>>>>>> designed to refresh page components. We discuss applications of 
>>>>>>>>> cid in more detail in Chapter 12, in the context of components.
>>>>>>>>> These ajax features require jQuery and "static/js/web2py_ajax.js", 
>>>>>>>>> which are automatically included by placing {{include 
>>>>>>>>> 'web2py_ajax.html'}} in the layout head. "views/web2py_ajax.html" 
>>>>>>>>> defines some variables based on request and includes all 
>>>>>>>>> necessary js and css files.
>>>>>>>> Here's what I've done:
>>>>>>>> index page:
>>>>>>>> {{extend "layout.html"}}
>>>>>>>> <p>{{=A(post.title, 
>>>>>>>> _href=URL('default','view',args=[post.id],user_signature=True), 
>>>>>>>> cid='post1234')}}</p>
>>>>>>>> <div id="post1234"></div>
>>>>>>>> But when I click on the link, nothing appears in the <div 
>>>>>>>> id="post1234" />.
>>>>>>>> I didn't make changes to layout.html, which means, web2py_ajax.html 
>>>>>>>> is already included.
>>>>>>>> When it is a normal link (aka no cid in the A helper), the page 
>>>>>>>> ("view") loads fine.


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