Yes, I don’t oppose adding another EWS bot, and I was not trying to argue 
against that proposal. I did intend to express my disagreement with many points 
made in follow-up replies that seem quite wrong to me.

Three other thoughts:

1) Even though I don’t object to adding a new bot, I will say that the idea 
that a single “non-unified” bot will add a lot of value at very little cost to 
the WebKit project doesn’t sound right to me. These arguments about how long 
things will take don’t seem correct. My experience is that it’s quite difficult 
to find, understand, and resolve errors seen in bot builds, far more difficult 
than resolving errors I can see locally as I make code changes. In my view 
every EWS bot we add helps weigh down the project, making each change more 

2) In my contributions, I don’t just want to add missing includes, I want to 
remove unnecessary ones taking full advantage of forward declarations and 
moving code out of headers. Too many includes and too much dependency has a 
dramatic bad effect on the project, making colossal project build times even 

3) We had many, many problems with platform-specific include differences before 
we had unified builds, with frustrated contributors if they worked with any 
configuration that lacked an EWS bot. It may seem that the 
unified-build-specific problems are something fundamentally different, but this 
is not how I see it.

— Darin
webkit-dev mailing list

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