Despite the trade off you depict very well, I can still the benefits of 
this approach:
- no more session time outs,
- infinite number of pages in pagemaps,
- and a bit more theoretic: smooth scalability. I say theoretic since it 
is not likely you'll need this kind of scaling.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:
> client side storage doesnt really make sense. what you make up in ram 
> you give up in cpu+bandwidth. which is cheaper?
> lets say you have a page that is 30k big when the object graph is 
> serialized. you need to store it on the client. you need to encode it 
> first, usually base64 encoding which results in 33% increase in size - 
> since this is the most commonly used method lets go with it ( you can 
> also use something like yenc which will result in smaller size but 
> higher cpu utilization ). so now your 30k page is 40k encoded. user 
> requests this page, this html is rendered+40k hidden field. user 
> submits a form/clicks a link, now you submit the data for the 
> form/link + 40k hidden field. then your cpu needs to decode it, 
> deserialize it - so now instead of using session you are 80k per 
> request overhead in bandwidth + cpu power to decode it. we know the 
> cpu power scales - just throw more nodes into the cluster - but it 
> doesnt really scale per request because that is a single thread. so in 
> every request you have the overhead of transferring 40k + decoding + 
> deserialization + serialization + encoding. is it worth it?
> ram is cheap, if you are serious about clustering your project you can 
> prob afford a box with 4gb ram - thats even little for servers 
> nowadays. lets say out of that only 2gb is avail to the servlet 
> container, how many 30k pages can you fit into 2gb?
> -igor

Erik van Oosten

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