On 08/22/2014 11:34 AM, Jon Robson wrote:
> Kaldari, RobLa, Trevor and I met yesterday to discuss the template RFC [1].
> Sadly Gabriel was not present. 

Sorry, you scheduled the meeting while I was on vacation.

> Kaldari and I are very concerned that
> we are blocking standardisation of a generic template library on the
> completion of Knockoff.

I'm not aware of any remaining blockers, so I'd be curious what you would
consider missing for completion. The only major feature asked for in the
mobile evaluation [1] (container-less control flow syntax) has been
supported since knockoff 0.1.3, released July 8th [2].

> 2) We need a standard template language

> We questioned whether point 2 should be blocking, as we recognised
> that even if we decide to standardise on Knockoff in future, it should
> be trivial to write a script that converts Hogan/Handlebars template
> language to Knockoff.

There will be bits like helpers and complex expressions that aren't trivial
to convert automatically, and will require manual intervention.

We can make quick progress by making a decision and then making it happen.
I'm sure we can figure out a way to do it without waiting around for another
few months ;)


[2]: https://github.com/gwicke/knockoff/commits/master

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