Merge modules are generally now considered bad practice - they become
impossible to service, because the module does not retain its identity. The
only way to service them is to patch the products which have merged the
module. Crystal Reports had a security patch earlier this year:

I would go with merge modules only where that's the only ship vehicle
available or where the technology used supports some form of publisher
redirect so that a new version issued by the publisher can supersede the
broken version, for example .NET assemblies in the GAC or Win32 assemblies,
using publisher policy (although detecting that the update is required is
still problematic).

WiX schedules only those standard actions which are necessary to install
your package. It does so by checking which tables have actually been used.
This is to save space in the package and time when installing. This can
sometimes cause problems if the merge module does not schedule an action
which it relies on, where the MSI does not require that action.

At a guess - as I refuse to have Crystal taint my system - I'd say that the
merge module makes use of the Class table, etc. (0x80040154 is
REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG, 'Class not registered'.) That means that the
RegisterClassInfo and UnregisterClassInfo actions should be scheduled. You
can either do this explicitly by adding those actions to the
InstallExecuteSequence, or ask WiX to include the Class table by using an
EnsureTable element, which in turn will cause it to include the appropriate

You may also find that it requires type libraries to be registered, in which
case you need the RegisterTypeLibraries action or to force the TypeLib table
to be included. There is also a ProgId table that might be necessary.

If it's really badly written there might be a SelfReg table as well.

You might well have to crack open the merge module with a tool such as Orca
to find out what's really required.

This problem does not occur with VS or with InstallShield because they
simply dump the entire suggested InstallExecuteSequence
( into the MSI,
regardless of whether the actions are needed or not.

Mike Dimmick

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 30 December 2007 00:45
Subject: [WiX-users] Crystal Reports Merge Module Installation Woes

I am using Wix v3 Build 3.0.3632.0 and am trying to merge the Crystal
Reprots for Visual Studio 2005 merge module into my project.  I can not get
the reports to work on the installation box.  I created identital setups
using InstallShield 9.0 and the Visual Studio 2005 setup projects.  BOTH OF
(designed just the troubleshoot this problem), one .NET 2.0 exe displaying
an embedded report.  

When I launch the exe from the Wix 3.0 install, I get the error:
type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument'
threw an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
(0x80040154): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{11BD5260-15B6-412D-80DB-12BB60B8FE50} failed due to the following error:

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